Message from President

Dear Esteemed Stakeholders, Partners, Youth, Members, and Staff,

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering dedication and remarkable contributions towards the upliftment of the National Federation of Youth NGO Nepal (NFYN). Your collective efforts have played an instrumental role in advancing our organization's mission and objectives, and I am truly grateful for your commitment to our shared cause.  At NFYN, we are driven by a vision of empowering youth and youth-led organizations to actively participate in policy formation, decision-making processes, and community development initiatives. With your steadfast support, we have made significant strides towards realizing this vision, fostering an environment where young leaders can thrive and contribute meaningfully to society. I am deeply appreciative of the tireless efforts undertaken by our stakeholders and partners, whose collaboration has been invaluable in amplifying the impact of our initiatives across all seven provinces and 77 districts of Nepal. Your willingness to engage in dialogue, share resources, and work towards common goals has been fundamental to the success of our collective endeavors. To the youth of Nepal, I commend you for your passion, resilience, and commitment to driving positive change in our communities. Your energy and enthusiasm inspire us all, and I am confident that your continued involvement will shape a brighter future for our nation. To our esteemed members and dedicated staff, I express my sincerest appreciation for your hard work, professionalism, and unwavering dedication to our organizational mission. Your expertise, creativity, and perseverance have been instrumental in realizing our objectives and delivering impactful programs and initiatives.As we look towards the future, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to advancing the capacity of youth, promoting meaningful participation, and addressing cross-cutting issues that impact our society. Together, we can continue to make a difference and create lasting change for the betterment of Nepal and its people.Once again, I extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your invaluable contributions to NFYN. Your dedication and support are truly appreciated, and I look forward to our continued collaboration and success in the journey ahead.